We’re lucky to have this author living amongst us! This is another good one Phil! You’ve made up your mind to be a great writer, for that I’m thankful! (Acting Happy)
Janelle, May 2024

The treatment of the most routine things about which you give your honest assessment not only give me a laugh, but an “Amen!”, meaning, yes, right on, that’s the gospel, you got it, preach on, tell it! May 2024

(On a story that made BBC news)
I love this: “the first university in the US to experience totality.”
We always desire to get regional and national press, now we have made the world press. Strategic Plan Objective – Accomplished!
Schreiner University, March 2024

Your article brought back a lovely memory for me. In grad school my professor took a few of his students to a convention to do a presentation with him. He knew Leo Buscaglia well. I was oblivious. When the two of them met at the convention center, we were introduced to him and I was unsuspecting when he enthusiastically enveloped each of us in a huge hug.  We met again later and I found him to be the most warm, kind,  loving, dynamic  individual I had encountered in a long time. Somewhere I still have my copy of his book “Love”.  Thanks for the memory!
Judy Hoopman, Feb 2024

Hi Phil—Just a note to say I loved your column about spacing things—both musical and in art.
Verna Benham, Dec 2023

Thank you so much Phil! This is FANTASTIC!!!! Cannot wait to share Schreiner’s rich history with our readers!!!!!
Erin Burrows, Comanche Trace Magazine, Nov 2023

Dad gum! Phil H’s column on his Mountain Oysters song had me belly-laughing and in tears. So damn clever.
Mr. Cook, ex-Publisher, age 87 Aug 2023

Your 2018 review of ANN is one of my all time favorites and it is Holland’s too. Short and sweet, you cut to the heart of the performance and the play. So Thank You!
Libby Villari, star of one-woman play ANN about Ann Richards, by Holland Taylor

Dear Phil
Dwight and I marvel at the ideas you come up with for your column. It’s always so entertaining and easy to read. It’s one of the first pages we turn to when we get our newspaper. Please continue to amaze us with your unbelievable imagination.
Dwight & Karen Oestreich, 3/5/2023

You have been accorded an honor you don’t know about: My friend and fellow writer Robert Schwarz, in Kendalia, is a regular reader of your column. But your column on imprecision so moved him that he called me on the phone to tell me what a brilliant piece of work it was. I’ve never heard Robert lavish such praise. Robert has no internet connection or computer, but a fabulous book about farming and cedar chopping in the Hill Country, and two sometimes terrifying books about his time in Vietnam in 1968.
Robert C Deming, 7/9/22

On behalf of the staff and the Friends Board of Pioneer Memorial Library I want to thank you for writing your article in the June 8, 2022 issue. We are receiving many donations during the last month and we are up to 5000 books for the Book Sale in October. Just wanted to let you know that donations have improved and the publicity generated by your article is appreciated.
Mollye Long, President, The Friends of Pioneer Memorial Library

Thank you so much for writing such a great story! Please call if you need anything.
Robin McCall Dallenbach, Hot Rod Bob, Blanco TX, April 2022

I love the article and I really appreciate how well it’s written! Thank you for reaching out and doing this sotry! Looking forward to seeing it in print.
Joe Bono, Bono’s Leather & Shoe Repair, Blanco TX, April 2022

Hey Phil –
Thank you so much for your article. You are a gifted writer!
I ran the article by our Board President and others and we all agree that it’s wonderful as written. We’re all grateful for a refreshing story.
Thanks again and warm wishes for enjoying the sunshine!
Carla Herbig, RN, BSN, Medical Staff Quality Coordinator, Hill Country Memorial Hospital, March, 2022

Thanks once again for your insight.  Your Dec 29th article provides so much food for thought.
The observations about wonder are echoed by Mark Nepo in his daily musings ‘The Book of Awakening’, “…our aliveness depends on our ability to sustain wonder…”  What a different world it would it would be.
Lynda Umbreit, 12/31/2021

I just read the column. You nailed it! By the way, if meteorologists were baseball players, they’d be all-stars. Just sayin’
It’s been a pleasure working with you. I wish you all the best.
Joe, Nov 18, 2021

I check the news way too much on my phone, using the “SmartNews” app, which lets me set up tabs for “Top”, “COVID”, “Science’, etc. I have a tab for “Hunt” (where I live) and was flabbergasted to see the 5000th ride story pop up in my news feed (via Community Journal)!
Georgieanna got calls from friends about it, I’ve gotten emails wanting to sell me a plaque! Good placement in the Daily Times too, I’ve heard.  This story really seems to have made an impact.
Whit Matteson, Director Kerr Konnect, August 5, 2021

WOW! The live streaming was great. I really never understand or could appreciate fully what you were doing until I had to stay at home and watch. The video looked great on my cell phone, my laptop, and on our 65 inch TV. The audio made it even better. When launching, the big picture of the pad with the close up of the pad and another close up of the students inserted was simply awesome. The shotgun replays were just off the chart.  You are right in that almost every student interview mentioned teamwork. I really like the young man who said he spent 11 hours in stage 2 (Scott is tough). I could even here at home playback and slowdown the video to get a close and slower look at the launches. I think we need to look at a high resolution camera with tracking capability for the future that would include at the site feed for troubleshooting and also video for the schools to do their Post Mission Analysis. Great job Phil
Always the best, Gene 4/25/2021

Thanks for the second full belly laugh in weeks.You’re an incorrigible rapscallion.
(That’s in the onion family.)
Esther O’Shaffer, 3/26/2021

I loved your “Simplified for Seniors” column this week … it brought back a wealth of great early memories of 60+ years ago.
Bill Saad, Mar 14, 2021

I always look for your column and enjoy your somewhat quirky sense of humor and the interesting way you think of things. This week I underlined the phrase “skill stack of mediocrity” and am now compiling my own “stack” and wondering if mediocrity is or is not a bad thing.
Karen Kemp, Dec 17, 2020

Hi Phil, I enjoyed your column this week as usual. I’m sure you know that the small pocket on the right side of a pair or 5 pocket Levi’s was called a “watch pocket”.  This  goes back to the day when men carried a pocket watch instead of a wrist watch. In my high school days, senior boys would stash a condom there in case they thought they might “get lucky” after the Friday night football game. Back in the day, mens suits often came with a vest. It had two lower horizontal pockets and one upper breast pocket. Men would carry their pocket watch in the lower right pocket and then run a chain through the buttonhole over to the left pocket. On the chain was their Phi Beta Kappa key, or fraternity pin or lodge pin. The upper pocket held two cigars. You just can’t have enough pocket.
Ray Bluhm, Nov 9, 2020

Phil – I am glad you post your column on facebook. I look forward to reading it each week.
Fred Henneke

I thoroughly enjoyed your article in the 7/1/2020 Fredericksburg/Radio Post of that date.  The reason being is that in 1975 I had the opportunity to tour the facilities of either RCA or NBC in New York. They had studios of old time radio set up as museums along with equipment that was also used many years. ago. As an example they used large sheets of copper/brass that were flexed to make the sound of thunderstorms.  For the sound of horse hoofs, coconut shells were used.
I have to this day equipment that was used in the first Radio Station(bootleg) here in Fredericksburg probably in the 1930’s.
I was fortunate enough to meet the man who had it and that is how I came to get hold of a microphone and pieces of what is left from an antenna tuning cabinet.  Stenciled are the original call letters of the station and very legible are the letters WTTH, for “Welcome to the Hills”.  Unfortunately, that was around 1955 and for about 40 years this equipment was stored in an old farm residence before I got more interested. Married in 1955, got a new job in 1956 and started raising kids which took up most of our time.
I would be glad to show you this equipment and tell you several things I found out about this station in later years from people who were familiar with the station.  As far as I know these folks are also gone.
Again, Phil as always we sure enjoy your columns.
Charles Feller, July 4, 2020

I really enjoyed your M&M column. It brought back memories of my own M&M story.  In 1986-1987, while my daughter, Lesa, was a senior at Fredericksburg High School, I did some spring cleaning. I found a bag of green “pills” stuck in the back of her student desk. Being a vigilant parent and ever watching for any sign of drug use, I took the green pills to a pharmacist who had a drug store at the corner of North Llano and Hackberry. I wanted him to analyze these green pills to find out what kind of drugs my daughter was using. Lo and behold, he gave me a call and after thorough analysis, he told me they were green M&M’s! Evidently, my daughter did not like the green ones and just saved them every time she had some M&M’s.
We still have a good laugh about her drug use while in high school.
LaVerne Heiner Ondrias, June 28, 2020

RE your article today about wasted words: Amen, Amen, AMEN!
This virus thing has driven me crazy. “Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay home.” AAAGGHHH! Only 6 words, but completely useless.
But the most annoying of all time is as you mentioned, “We’re all in this together, and we WILL get through it.” I guess the powers that be that believe we’re all 4 years old must say something, right? So these two infuriating, insulting, and inane sentences drive me up the wall.
I am much more aware these days of how few beats of the heart I have left, and so when people waste my time with wasted and useless words, I can actually count the heartbeats I will never get back.
Ok, now I feel better.
Jeryl Hoover
June 10, 2020

Phil, your Nov. 7 story about John Davidson, I believe, is the best I’ve read over the last several years. You have perfectly described who he is as a singer/musician today. Harriet and I have followed John Davidson since high school – – graduating in 1966.
Also in retirement, I have been a self appointed “operative” at the Cailloux Theater, with Executive Director Jeffrey Brown’s approval, finding talent for the Cailloux.  For several years, working with two successive John Davidson agents, a date was finally found to bring John Davidson to the Cailloux Theater in the Texas Hill Country. John Davidson’s National Touring roles in “Wicked” and “Finding Neverland” made this very complicated, but finally success came our way.
His Cailloux performance on Nov. 16 will not be heavily attended, but I believe will be fondly talked about afterwards by those who attend. Best regards from the Lewises.
Marion and Harriet Lewis
Kerrville, TX
Nov 10, 2019

Just wanted to let you know, the article you wrote upon your moms passing, (which coincided with my moms) has been shared with friends in Canton Ohio. Your insight, and wordsmithing, provided a great deal of comfort to our friends.  It has found its way to a grief counselor, who has begun sharing it as well.
Your craft is definitely the gift that keeps on giving. 
Lynda Umbreit

Thank you for the fantastic article! You really captured the Hye Cider! I can’t wait to share it with friends and family! Thanks again!
Cherry Graham, Hye Cider Co.

Your column today was out of sight hilarious. Especially for us who now are 81 or more. And quite clearly remember everything you wrote about today. Don’t get the bighead but you really write well. Meanwhile the Quartet lumbers on without your stringed instrument talent! Ed

“I teach Economics at a private school. Used your column on Marketing 101 as a concise, go-to illustration of how marketing works. The kids loved it and it made the point better than the textbook.”

Thank you for your wonderful article on the Luckenbach “Viva Terlingua” door going to the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville. You captured the essence of what we are doing here, and handled the story with sensitivity. You sat at the table with those folks and pulled out what was important. They’ve had over 77,000 visitor to the exhibit in Nashville just in the first month! I want more people to be able to read your story.
Cris Graham, Luckenbach TX

This was a very good article, Very informative and interesting.
It sheds much light on the subject. I held that license for many years but chose not to renew at my age, 84, this time around.
I feel the article should be required reading for anyone who is interested in the license.
One thing an instructor pointed out to us in a class at Kerrville is this: “Before pulling the trigger, remember each bullet comes with a lawyer”. In my books, very good advice.Again, A job well done. always enjoy your articles.
Keep up the good work and hope to cross paths with you soon.

Good morning Phil this is Traci Jones from Higher Grounds. I didn’t get a chance to say thank you for that amazing article you put together for us! It was written so well. So many customers now come to our shop because of that article!!
Every day we get customers that ONLY come in bc of that article…. just now an older couple from NJ came here bc they read it. Just so cool 🙂 and we are incredibly appreciative of this!!
If you are ever in KDH come stop by our shop! We’d love to meet you!!
Thanks again!!
Traci Jones & Ryan Jorgensen

Thank You so much for the great articles you wrote for the Fredericksburg and Kerrville newspapers about my store!!! It has really brought people in!
Mindy, Mindy’s Music

First off, thank you for your weekly column; we follow your exploits each time in the paper. AND, also for your last column telling us about the Kathy Mattea concert in Ingram last night. Without your writings, we would not have known.
It was most enjoyable!
John & Gracie Musick

Excellent column today. Outstanding!
Fred Henneke

Hi, Phil- I really liked your latest article in the K Daily, about the “rocket scientists”. Your last statement rang true to me: “Whether a toddler learning to walk, a beginner violinist or a non-science-type student trying to build a rocket, the people who are good in the long run fail a lot, especially at the beginning. So, when you fail early, it might be worth realizing that this is part of the deal, the price you pay for being good in the long run.”
Hope you don’t mind that I jotted your quote above in my violin book. I always enjoy your writings!
Sherry Burrow

Thank you so much for the information.
I ALWAYS appreciate your news and information.
Please continue to send it.

I really enjoyed your column in the Fredericksburg Standard. Such great insight! Thanks for that.
Melody Howard Yuhn

In the KDT. This is Jay Munson here Phil.
I always enjoy your writing but the recent one “Scare Me” was especially strong. Good work and hope you keep making your writing available to the public.
Jay Munson

It’s always a pleasure to work with you.
Editor of a major daily newspaper

That is a well written piece. Thanks, Phil
Rob Mahoney

Phil, What a WOW show!! Your article in Thursday’s paper was great.
Dick & Jan Layman

This is awesome Phil! Bless you for your efforts and your know-how!
Christy Glass, SystemsGo

“I didn’t realize how much you did.”
Ex. Dir. of a nonprofit after I stepped down and they had to take on Marketing and Grant Applications

Somehow just seeing this email! The article is amazing — posting all over socials now. Thank you so much!
Sarah Bennett, Publicity Agency for Radney Foster

The article in today’s paper was perfect! It certainly should pull in a few folks.
Jim Adam, Symphony of the Hills Board Member

“You wouldn’t believe all the people that have emailed and called me about cursive! They tell me stories and say how great teaching it is. So thanks for the nice article.” Haley Ping

“I enjoyed your recent column in the Fredericksburg Standard. I have a Master’s degree in Library Science so I feel I know a little bit about books, and like you I was never interested in Westerns. My neighbor told me he was going to lend me a book that he thought I would like by L’Amour. It was one of the best books I have ever read. In fact, I have read it three times– something I never do!” Pat Rice

“Phil, nice article about Mensa. We did get some contacts from your article. Thank you.”
Charlene Randal, Hill Country area coordinator for Mensa

“Hey Phil,Wow, now I am famous.” g a r y, re Mensa Article

It has been a truly successful year for the symphony, and your excellent media work has been a critical part of the success.
With appreciation,
Tim Summerlin, President
Board, SOH
Schreiner University

“Hi Phil
I just wanted to let you know that the article was the Bees Knees!!! Thank you so much and I’ll let you know whenever I have cherry pie!!!”
Amy Simpson-Maize, The Bender Biscuit & Pie Company

“Oh! Wow!! That was an incredible article!!!! Thank you! I’m sitting here under the dryer at the hair salon with tears in my eyes!!! I know-emotional…! But still-great work Phil!” Rebekah Hyatt, SystemsGo

“Thanks for the article you wrote for us, Phil! We are excited to see your article about our new game in this week’s paper! I found your description and quotes spot-on with the experience we are trying to give players. 🙂 Thank you so much for taking the time to play and write about us.” Lorrie Hess, Hill Country Escape

“I wanted to thank you for the article about MagEyes. It was my mother Mary Frances Sherlock who was the inventor. She was prob smiling down reading the article. Thank you again for the nicely written article.” Rhonda Richter

“This article about the next concert covered the top part of the Daily Times’ Spotlight section this morning. An excellent article one couldn’t miss. Thank you, Phil, good job!” Jim Adams

“YOU ARE AWESOME…just sayin’.” Lee Hereford, CEO Pedernales Brewing Company

“Phil, I loved the article! It was both comprehensive AND concise…which to me is the hallmark of good writing, right? The ending was perfect! Thanks so much!” Jimmy Lee Saurage

“Phil, I finally got a copy of the newspaper article you wrote about our band. I’d just like to say thank you so, so much. It was very complimentary. Wow. The last couple of weeks quite a few folks made comments about it and a few had never heard us. We have a few new fans. Again, thank you Phil.” Dennis Challman (The Lost Sounds)

“The 2-page ad is perfect and really grabs you!” Jim Adams, Symphony of the Hills

Great article. The guys will be thrilled! Thank you so much!” Becky Polk, The Lost Sounds

“We saw your article and bought 20 copies. We all commented that it was the best article that we had seen written. You painted a wonderful picture with your choice of words. Thank you!” April Cory, Kerrville Renaissance Festival

“Phil… you are a disgrace to the human race… Every Christian in Fredricksburg should get together and demand the evil man be forced to leave your town… God has two strong angels who will usher him to the brink of hell and give him his reward for eternity.” Dean Rumbaugh

Your column today was another goosebumps and tearing eyes experience. I, too, want to be remembered as you remember Aunt Rose.

Loved your article in this week’s paper. Aunt Rose woulda been proud.

Really enjoyed your article on the bull rider – also, liked the ones on the cave that ran previously. Keep up the good work – always a fun/interesting read! Annette Bennett

Thanks Phil, I read the article yesterday, I was in town passing out posters. Several people complimented me on the article. You are a natural, very gifted in making writings come to life.  Thanks again. Clifton Fifer, Jr.

I was just reading the local paper and found your article – it’s always the best thing in the paper. It is a beautiful, poignant story about your dad. It had love all over it. If you need an extra I have one – I intend to keep that one in my treasures.

I keep your book in my bathroom. Each article is just the right length. Harley

Phil, thank you again for all your help on the press release. We can’t thank you enough for your support of Living Well College and all the students. Sincerely, Kim Easley

Shame on you, Phil. Shame on you! Margaret Williams

You are a poor writer and often self-promoting – Response on a reader survey

“It seems you get away with writing what most people are really thinking but are afraid to actually give voice to…” My brother Mark

And this book is so cute
Gives me goosebumps sometimes
Love like that is so rare – B. Quiroz

hi phil!…congrats on your new book… i really cannot wait to read it, because you are a great writer…

hi phil…i am loving your book…it is truly fantastic with great stories and i cannot put it down…you are a fabulous writer and i admire your talent and wish that i was in your league… cousin nancy
p.s. i’ve read more today and seriously your book is so great!

to infinity and beyond
love this
Seth Godin, Blogger

I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your article this week on the rocket program.  You were exactly on point about the need to be able to fail.
Thanks…………..randy thompson

Pay your phont bill! Tried phoning you but the number I found in an old book had been disconnected. I just wanted to thank you again for the great article you wrote and then, a few days ago, someone mentioned seeing another article in the Fredricksburg paper. I just wanted to remind you that if I don’t get my share of copies then there’s no more GREAT coffee for you. But you knew that. Good wishes  Lee Stath P.S. Your talented is being wasted here

“I love the way you approached this topic. It held my attention throughout and made me wonder how the article was going to end.” E.S.

Your haiku made me laugh – not many things in newspapers do – keep writing rhyming drumming smiling…..randy Thompson

“Thanks so much for the great article in KDT! I just saw it and was just humbled, once again, that you would take that on. It was stellar and I know it will help a lot.” Ray Rodgers (Rockbox Theater)

hi phil…we love the article that you wrote for Kinky Friedman’s rescue ranch…thank you, so very much…i wanted to let you know that we have put you on our guest list plus 1 and i hope i get to see you at the concert…on the day of the concert… cousin nancy

Hey, Phil thanks for the great article. You hit the nail on the head Ha Ha. I appreciate representing me in a great article. It should be on Associated press. We are going to send it to S.A. and Austin papers to see if we can generate more regional interest. Thanks again Phil. Drop by Gallery again so we can party till the sun comes up, Dan Pfeiffer “a guy who makes stuff”

“Phil, I received your new book, An Interrupted Conversation, yesterday. You should be so very proud of this. I hope everyone will order this book. In this complicated world we live in, how inspiring to see how simple words of wisdom can make things seem a little less complicated. Bless you, friend, for this piece of work.”

160,000 listeners now think you are a rock star – Kellie, KSTX Public Radio

I want you to know that I read every single word you write. No matter what. I think I know you well enough to trust that you will not be offended if I divulge that I am not always interested in the same topics that you are. Nonetheless, I always want to read every word you pen because your style is always interesting and entertaining, even if the content is not. So, have I made your day or blown it???

You are a very good journalist. Don’t ever stop writing. Where’s that first novel? Every journalist has one, right? Want to read it, it will be VERY READABLE.

I have tears in my eyes after reading your column. I don’t know if it’s timing, or if I’m just getting older, but I find that I take more time to reflect on friends and days gone by. I appreciate your humor and your views on life, ie, the characters that make our days better and interesting. You, Mr. Phillipe, are a true character and I am grateful for your guidance in life in general. Thank you for sharing. Carol Reeh

“Your column on Bikinis, Texas, was the catalyst for us getting national coverage on Anderson Cooper 360.” Doug Guller, CEO & Founder of Bikinis Restaurants

Just read your “Finding Inspiration”  column and, as usual, l loved it!  I really do enjoy hearing your thoughts on paper – you’re even deeper than I gave you credit for!! Anonymous

Wow – I enjoyed that Phil. thanks. You really are a talented writer!  Makes me proud, brother! My Sister

What a delightful article! Thank you so much for featuring Kelsey in your column on such short notice! I loved how it was so personal. You are very gifted as a writer and communicated so well with humor, facts, and interest! Monda & Drew

What’s amazing is that you really revealed a lot about Cam that lots of us didn’t know. I really am enjoying discovering your archive of other really worthwhile and enlightening interviews. Thanks for the good works, keep it up! Jay Brousseaux, Photographer & friend of Cam King

Absolutely love it! January 2nd is my new Christmas. Robin Gunshows (#9mm)

TERRIFIC PHIL! I LOVED IT…you are such a great writer! – Donna Lynn Fikes Vaughan

sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! – Dennis Griffith

Thank you for the wonderful article!!!! Glad you enjoyed the production! – Julie Nathan Voorhees

Amazing! – Amber Royea

What an awesome writer!  I was totally flattered, flabbergasted and very honored.  Thank you for taking the time to do the pieceand doing it so well. – Gary Trumet

The article about Ben B. in the Fredericksburg
Standard was great!  Thank you so much.- Melinda Padgett

Thanks for the awesome article, we have been slammed since it came out! – Mike Tangman, Alamo Springs Cafe

Phil, your article last week on Josh was awesome! Josh was so happy and says that you are insightful.

OK WOW! What a great article I read in The Standard yest. about our little town out here. Yours topped them all. Thank you so much. – R. Cave

I finally got my hands on a copy of the F’brg Standard and read the article.  What a great “introduction” of our series to the F’brg communitry….THANK YOU! – Paul Reynolds

I enjoyed the artickle. you write’s good! – A distant relative

Wow you did a fantastic job and I am so flattered that you have done this for me. Thank you so much for this wonderful article. Bill Badeaux

Thank you Phil this is an amazing article! Pink Tink, Kerr County Roller Derby

Just got around to looking at the paper this morning. What a great article. You wrote it in such a way as to tell the technical side while promoting the philosophy of FTC in community relations. Well done. I appreciate it so much. Jeryl Hoover

This is the place where it all started for me…@Pat’s Hall!!! I grew up across the street and used to put on my roller skates and blaze around the live oak tree. Had my first crush, sweet sixteen and saw George Strait there the year I performed with the band Crystal Peak on stage for the first time singing Stevie Nicks and Pat Benatars “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” JD Rose was the drummer , my first co-writer and DJ at KFAN rockin the Texas Hillcountry. The place is like an old friend…It just reopened and is a magical. Check it out and head that way one night..hope to see ya there! Stephanie Urbina Jones

Excellent article about Cowboy Doug.  Well done. Keep up the good work. Graham Pearson

I really enjoyed and appreciated the nice article you wrote about Doug Davis recently. Doug and I met in 1970 back in Charlottesville, Virginia. We were both barely 20 and we’ve stayed in touch along with other close friends over the years. He taught me most of what I know about playing guitar as well as other tidbits that have served me well in life. Thanks again for writing such a nice tribute to Doug. David Gunckel

Thanks for the kind words. Ernie Durawa

“What makes a grown man cry?” is priceless! That HAS to go into your forthcoming book of Full House excerpts.

You are so clever with words and such an imaginative writer! I could never write like that. Kent Rylander

Phil is, in my opinion, one of the best bloggers out there. (And I cringe at most blogs). Mary Silver

Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your article this week. I lost a dear old friend earlier this year… a man my father’s age. Over the past 20 years, we chatted off and on… we started talking on the phone every single day. I knew all his war stories (backward and forward!). He was an avid reader and we shared books constantly. A few months ago, we had a brief but sweet conversation… the next day  I received a call that he had died… heart attack while shopping. It hit me hard.
Someone in my family asked me, “Why do Christians cry when they know the person is in a better place?”
“Because we MISS THEM!!!”  I shouted through my tears.
So, as I sat in my backyard the other evening,  reading your article that Bruce had set aside especially so I wouldn’t miss it…..I cried for him again!
I miss him a lot.
By the way, his name was Phil!
PS I’d love to hear Dicks “pithy” sayings!

What a cool article! It’s a great feeling to see yourself in print, and I can’t thank you enough! Cheryl Kaderli

This is just great – Allen Abrams, Luminario Ballet

Is there a personal rider that says, “I will not write about you unless you’re a twin, BLONDE, young, have sexy legs, and show some cleavage?” – Another fan

Thanks for the great article on the Guidonian Hand. We appreciate the coverage very much. I hope to see you at the concert. – Mark Eckhardt, President, Fredericksburg Music Club

Really enjoyed your articles. Thanks for showcasing the boys and the twins. James Grote

Great Phil…thanks so much for the write-up!! Amy Rankin

Wow, I could not have said it any better! THANK YOU!!! Many thanks for thinking that my show is “news worthy.” I hope when you see it, you will agree! Hope to see you there! gratefully, Melissa Starry

Thanks, Phil. This is a great article. Great job. You made it so fun being with you and all the people there. Thanks again for your attention and fun. Best wishes, Ray The Turkey Baster

I’ve been reading the articles you posted on Facebook – they are GREAT!!! I can tell I’m going to be hitting your Full House web site often when I need to “take a short vacation” from life – one of these days (which are QUICKLY passing) I hope to have some connection to music as a bigger part of my life than it is right now. Until then, I will read your articles and dream!! Doug Miller

The polka band will never forget the wonderful time we spent in Texas in 2008! And i still keep the newspaper article you wrote when we were in Fredericksburg! Uli Krack


Wow..great Story and great writing…. Thanks so much and yes we need to write a book…. Rick Phipps, The Rose Radio

Congrats on a well-written article about Cass. He really is a musician’s musician. Most attendees of the RockBox completely miss the importance of his contribution to the high quality of the show. When I first went to a RockBox performance, I was tempted to go home and list all my keyboard gear on eBay. Cass could easily be egotistical about his superior keyboard playing skills but when you get to know him, there’s no sign of that. A consummate backup musician and a well-rounded professional.Congrats again – Graham Pearson

Thank you so much for the article.  You did a great job. I’ve had several people tell me that they really liked it. I appreciate your time in doing this. Kathy Bauer

Wow-what a fantastic job!!! You are truly gifted with the written word. Again I’d like to thank you for everything you did to make the event even more special! And I certainly appreciate all the kind words you put in there about me… I didn’t expect that, but I do appreciate it. Bill Badeaux

You’re good Phil. How you got all that from our short time I don’t know. Thanks! Richy Rhyne

It’s awesome, Phil. Thanks, you da man!!!
Rick Star

Thanks for a great article. Well done!  I hope to see you at Guenther’s some Friday. Barry Whitfill

Great, Great  article. Thank you. Mike P.

Just wanted to compliment you on the article you did for us….it’s great ! We got a great welcome and response our first weekend and look forward to many more at the Rock Box. Again thanks and hope to see ya down the trail… Wes English

Thank you so much for the write-up. It really means a lot to me. Thank you, thank you – Walt Perryman

AMAZING article!!!! Thanks so much for doing this!! Photo even turned out great!! 🙂 – Ellen Fowler, The 808 Club

damm your good make a silk purse out of a sows ear! thanks for the great article and thanks for promoting the Museum hope to see you this saturday thanks again bobby joe

Thank you so much for the wonderful article. We love it! – Chad Matthews, Hill Country Film Festival

My daughter said, “Mom, that guy really knows you.” Great job. Thanks so much. – Maggie Montgomery

Thank you for such great articles. We appreciate how you got such a great feel of who we really are! – Lauren & Wheeler Hughes

You did a BEAUTIFUL job Phil and i’m so grateful.  Been needing some inspiration lately … this whole thing was a great process for me.
Take care and keep dancing and writing and acting and coordinating and doing all the good works you do. D.G.R.

Loved the Philvis bit. You are a scream. Stay young at heart. – Harley, Rose Radio 99.9

You are not only an excellent journalist-writer, but a marvelous photographer, as well!!! – Houston Allred

I’ve been perusing your website. Man you can write! – Jim Caughlan, Pure Prairie League

Phil, thank you so much for recognizing Ambleside, Mrs. Laurie Jenscke, Ms. Embach and our wonderful kids. It was such a positive review. Appreciate your time and consideration for advertising this inspirational program. Thanks you so much- Debra Habecker (Katie Habecker’s mom; Amblesidestudent and future violinist)

Phil – Thanks for the great articles. They are very well written. John and I are both so pleased. LOVE IS GRAND! – Alice & John Ike Walton

Now we can say we’ve worked with Olivier, Noel Coward, and Phil Houseal! – Tani & Dran

Hi Phil, Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed your article this week. I was at the twins’ “performance” & this just helped me relive that great experience. You really captured their spirit & energy. Also – I loved your picture – should be one of their favorites!! Beverly

It’s fantastic!! Thank you so so much, I love this- we’ll post it on our site too. Hope to see you next Friday! – Autumn Boukadakis

The article is great! I love it. Thanks so much for taking the time and for being so kind. We really appreciate it. – Sam Houston

Thank you SO much for the awesome story and picture you did for the newspaper this week re: the Aggie Wranglers! We appreciate your work. – Kay Steinbring

THANK YOU so much for a wonderful article, it was great!


Phil…. got me blubbering and I can’t stop.. It’s beautiful. -Vickie Phillips

Phil, I could barely finish your article on the Phillips Sisters, because I couldn’t see past my tears. What a beautiful story. I love you, Val

Gracias Phil, You’re a talented journalist. I appreciate your accuracy and
professionalism. –John Arthur Martinez

Phil, It was great to meet you and THANK YOU so much for the kind words + article.
We loved our visit + look forward to MANY MANY more visits. (and some more
shows) Slan anois mo chara, (bye for now my friend)–Patrick Devlin – Blaggards

Great article and I really appreciate your time and the ink. If we can do anything for you here in Twangtown, let us know, thank you again!! –CC and the crew

We love the article! Thanks so much, Phil! We hope we’ll see you at the Auslander or at a gig soon! –Kathy and Tommy (Byrd & Street)

GREAT article, Phil!!! THANK YOU, SO MUCH!!! — Bob & Penny Villa

We love the article!!!!!! Thank you so much. You are the best.–Michelle Williams, The Ranch Radio

Thank you for the article you wrote about
the Turner Hall and the bowling league. It was a wonderful piece. — Sean X. Heep

You call yourself a writer? Yeah… like I can sing. — Rex, Mediocre Musician