Random Old Men

Oct 16, 2024–What do you call a bunch of retirees who meet for lunch every other week, just because? According to the Herald-Zeitung, they call themselves ROMEOs: Retired Old Men Eating Out. They have no agenda, collect no dues, require no initiation, and don’t keep...

Opportunity Cost

Oct 2, 2024–Do you know anyone who shies away from going to parties and public events? Maybe you consider them to be aloof or distant. They seem not to be interested in spending time with anyone. They forsake parties, avoid luncheons, never go to movies or backyard...


Sept 25, 2024–In the 1980s I brainstormed the idea of harnessing the energy of “people walking around” by installing turnstyles on the sidewalks of New York. My theory was that the small bursts of energy generated by people pushing through narrow openings would create...


Sept 18, 2024–Don’t walk under a ladder. Don’t let a black cat cross your path. Knock on wood. Step on a crack; break your mother’s back. We’ve all heard these and other superstitions since we were in grade school. They sound childish and were the source of harmless...

Life Review

Sept 11, 2024–Have you written your obituary? Believe it or not, that was an assignment I gave to my 6th grade gifted students. The point was to nudge them to think about how they hoped to use the gifts they possessed over their lifetimes, to not take them for...