Today I Learned

July 20, 2022–I’ve stumbled on a diversion called Today I Learned That, which I acronym as TILT. Unable to resist exploring my own ignorance, I followed where it led, purposefully seeking holes in my knowledge base. There are many. Today I Learned That: Winnie the...

Not to brag…

July 13, 2022–Back when I was involved in committees and boards and other collections of people with disparate backgrounds sitting around conference tables making motions and debating by-laws, one of the annoying mixer games we endured at retreats was “guess who this...

Static from the past

June 29, 2022–If you want to ponder how all common knowledge is probably not true–and by everything, I mean everything told to you by advertisers, the government, scientists, well-meaning aunts, scriptwriters, and neighbors–spend some time listening to 1930s and 1940s...

How to be poor

June 22, 2022–One thing that recent lockdowns, winter storms, shortages of essential products, and economic fluctuations have taught me is this: I am grateful I know how to be poor. Not poor like our parent’s and grandparent’s Depression-era poor, but poor as in “only...