by Phil Houseal | Jun 7, 2018 | All Articles, Music, People of the Hill Country, Philosophy
June 6, 2018–For a bunch of guys who call themselves “Off The Grid” they sure seem to be “on the stage” a lot. They don’t even know how many gigs they have every year. “We’re somewhere every weekend,” said “Otto,” the accordion player. “We will go wherever there is...
by Phil Houseal | Apr 5, 2018 | All Articles, Food, Music, People of the Hill Country, Venue
April 3, 2018–Whenever family from north of Willow Creek came to town looking for an authentic Fredericksburg Main Street experience, I took them to the Altdorf Restaurant. Nothing said “gemutlichkeit” like the outdoor biergarten, shaded barrel tables, smiling...
by Phil Houseal | Apr 13, 2017 | All Articles, Events, People of the Hill Country
April 12, 2017–While the world bubbles over with international conflict, one Hill Country enterprise is quietly working diplomacy using currency that is truly bubbly–beer. “We’re celebrating our fifth anniversary with a new beer–Pedernales/Albur Chico Temido–the...