
Dec 13, 2023– “Are you blind!” “She traveled!” “C’mon ref… that was a foul!” Such was my soundtrack while at a high school basketball game. I like to sit on the visitor side, as that is usually where the most open seats are, and it keeps me from having to listen...


Dec 6, 2023–As I grow wiser, I believe more and more that art and beauty lie within the spaces between. Graphic designers refer to it as “white space.” Given a 3-inch by 4-inch ad border, for example, amateurs tend to cram it with images and copy. Experienced...

Reframing your brain

Nov 15, 2023–My 8-year-old grand taught me a life lesson on the way to her dental appointment. She couldn’t wait. Like most of you, going to the dentist is right up there with getting tased while standing in a puddle of stagnant water. So I asked her why she was...

Tyranny of the Sneeze

Oct 25, 2023–The next time I sneeze, don’t bless me. That universal reaction to what is essentially an involuntary intimate act disturbs me. Those two simple words–Bless You–while a loving benediction in other contexts, when used after a snot-spraying convulsion...