Still in Junior High

Feb 17, 2021–Maybe we did learn all we really needed to know in Kindergarten. But we still act like we are in junior high. Men do, anyway. All men over 55 are just 15-year-old boys with bigger bellies. In the intervening 40 years between those ages, any maturity we...

Buy this newspaper

Jan 27, 2021 Thesis: The single best thing one could do to support any local economy is to read, advertise in, and subscribe to the local newspaper. Disclaimer: I have no financial stake in nor have I ever been an employee of this or any newspaper. This past year I’ve...

Why grandparents aren’t parents

Jan 13, 2021–Anyone who spends time with toddlers is reminded of the innocence of childhood, the eternal optimism of the human race, and why everyone eventually stops procreating. Here is the timeline of a recent episode of Papa Babysits: 2:00 p.m.–After a full...