by Phil Houseal | Mar 1, 2023 | All Articles, History, Philosophy
Mar 1, 2023–Attending an event recently, I discovered I’d forgotten my phone. So I actually kept my head tilted up and gazed over the crowd seated around me. You know what I noticed? The hair. I was bobbing amidst a sea of white-topped heads. They looked like inverted...
by Phil Houseal | Feb 22, 2023 | All Articles, Food, History, People of the Hill Country, Philosophy
Feb 22, 2023–A native Texan who worked one summer for a farmer in Iowa was describing the experience: “I’d help during the soybean harvest. At noon, his wife would drive out into the field in the family station wagon, open the tailgate, and there would be a full...
by Phil Houseal | Feb 15, 2023 | All Articles, History, People of the Hill Country, Philosophy
Feb 15, 2023–After ranting about how no one listens to any advice that might actually change your life, I heard from readers giving their advice, anyway. Most were silly, involving warnings about squatting on cactus, eating yellow snow, and changing your underwear....
by Phil Houseal | Feb 1, 2023 | All Articles, History, Philosophy
Feb 1, 2023–Even during the dark ages of darkrooms, the world could not trust photographic evidence. Despotic regimes routinely manipulated pictures of leaders, artfully inserting or deleting faces according to their political status. With the advent of imaging...
by Phil Houseal | Jan 25, 2023 | All Articles, Events, History, Music, People of the Hill Country, Venue
Jan 25, 2023–One of the oldest music clubs in Texas will host one of the younger artists in the Hill Country, when Emily Jumes Oskins performs a harp concert for the Fredericksburg Music Club on February 19. Let’s start with the Fredericksburg Music Club (FMC). It was...
by Phil Houseal | Jan 18, 2023 | All Articles, Education, History, Philosophy
Jan 18, 2023–Do you balance your checkbook every month? Years ago Buck Henry said he got to the point when he received his monthly bank statement, he just wrote down the amount it said he had, and never bothered to reconcile again. To his amazement and gratification,...