Discovering a Rose

(Note: This is a column from 2015, updated and reprinted by request.) Dec 25, 2024–I am thinking about my Aunt Rose this week. She was 250 years old. At least she seemed to be that age in my childish worldview. She was actually born in 1898, the ninth of 10 children,...

Find your mentor

Dec 18, 2024–Young person! To be successful in life, you need to identify a mentor. I wish I would have had a mentor. I guess I didn’t because 1) I was a shy child and didn’t want to bother any successful grown-up, and 2) when you are not sure what you want to be when...


Dec 11, 2024–A recent kerfuffle about changing a street to one-way caused unanticipated effects at adjacent intersections, brought to mind other blanket declarations with unexpected and opposite consequences. In 1918 pure prairie leagues and women’s temperance unions...