by Phil Houseal | Jun 12, 2024 | All Articles, Education, Events, People of the Hill Country, Philosophy
June 12, 2024– “Everybody can run. Everybody has fun.” That is Grant Palmer’s simple mantra for his Hill Country-based Summer Track program. I saw it myself and it’s true. I sat in Tivy Antler football stadium on a hot summer evening with my two grands, along with...
by Phil Houseal | Jun 5, 2024 | All Articles, Education, History, Philosophy
June 5, 2024–“Yuck. He is majoring in business and going into sales.” Growing up in the hip1960s, there was no harsher judgement of a peer than was uttered in that statement. I remember hearing it from someone I admired, and it changed my future. No going into sales...
by Phil Houseal | May 29, 2024 | All Articles, Education, Philosophy
5/29/2024–David Crosby said, “I’m making music, because music makes things better and it makes people happier. That’s good enough for me.” That may be good enough for one of the early Byrds, but it’s not good enough for the rest of us trying to make a living singing,...
by Phil Houseal | May 16, 2024 | All Articles, Education, History
May 15, 2024–As a Cicerone of Grandpeople, I have renewed my acquaintance with those waxy rainbows from childhood, Crayola-brand Crayons. No American kid will ever forget the excitement of opening a new 16-pack of crayons–the pointed tips, the pristine wrappers, that...
by Phil Houseal | May 1, 2024 | All Articles, Education, History, Philosophy
May 1, 2024–I’m nearsighted and thankful for it. Not being farseeing has completely influenced my life, in sometimes unexpected ways. For those of you that can see a mole on a gnat’s nose on a barn door 100 yards away, here’s what being nearsighted is like: you can’t...
by Phil Houseal | Apr 24, 2024 | All Articles, Education, Events, Music, People of the Hill Country, Philosophy
April 24, 2024–‘Tis the season for that unsettling rite of spring that comes to all multi-generational households: the music recital. To this day, I remember my first piano recital at age 8. It was in the Methodist church basement in my small hometown. I squirmed in...