Finding Stuff

January 29, 2025– “Bound and binding, binding, bound, Hear the sight, see the sound. What was lost now is found, Bound and binding, binding, bound.” You’re walking out of your house for an important appointment, when you remember you misplaced your...

Ode on a cardboard box

Jan 8, 2024–During my first round of raising offspring, I had a brainstorm for creating an innovative building system. Recognizing the cliché that every kid had more fun playing with the box \ than the toy that came inside it, I sketched out ideas on how to connect...

Alexa… are you on?

Jan 1, 2024–After a decade of principled resistance, I’ve finally let an unwelcome visitor inside my house. “Alexa… are you turned on?” I know, I know. I fought against allowing the snoopy digital neighbor into my home because of invasion of privacy, data...


Dec 11, 2024–A recent kerfuffle about changing a street to one-way caused unanticipated effects at adjacent intersections, brought to mind other blanket declarations with unexpected and opposite consequences. In 1918 pure prairie leagues and women’s temperance unions...