Guy lights

Mar 20, 2024–Man’s fascination with light arcs back to that time he first rubbed two sticks together and created fire. First, this had to be one amazing guy. Who was that caveman, hulking about in a tiger-skin toga, who looked at a fallen dead limb and thought, I...

What would Vicki do?

March 13, 2024–I sometimes think about Vicki. Vicki was a high school classmate I grew up with back in our small hometown. We both came from large Catholic families, started Kindergarten together, attended catechism and received first communion together, shared...

Calling All Cars

March 6, 2024–Judging by comments on community news sites–or by riding with anyone–everyone believes they are the only ones that know how to drive. I was reminded last week that I don’t follow all traffic laws, for the simple reason that I don’t understand all the...

Potpourri for $100

Feb 28, 2024–As a kid I remember first seeing the Jeopardy category “Potpourri.” I was not familiar with the word, but after watching I soon learned it meant “place to use up leftover material that all together wasn’t enough to make up an entire category with one...


Feb 21, 2024–When someone asks you out for coffee, the first question that should come to mind is, “What’s in it for me?” Sound cynical? Why? Whether you are aware of it or not, every interaction between two people is a transaction. To be productive, it has to be....