by Phil Houseal | Jan 5, 2014 | All Articles, History, People of the Hill Country, Philosophy
by Phil Houseal
Jan 15, 2014 NOTE: Thanks to an invitation from Clifton Fifer, retired history teacher, and popular re-enactor, and Paula Reynolds, who is working on a book about Esther, I was able to spend an afternoon interviewing Esther Lehmann, 90-year-old niece...
by Phil Houseal | Jan 5, 2014 | All Articles, Education, People of the Hill Country, Philosophy
by Phil Houseal Jan 8, 2014 History from a distance is a textbook. But when it sits across the table from you, speaks to you, and lets you touch the rawhide sinews that bridge two centuries, history lives. So the tale unfolded as I spent an afternoon at the Sunday...